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6:30 - 8:00 PM Lightning Talks
- Samuel Lanier, CEO and Co-founder of FireWhat, Inc. @firewhat, "FireWhat?"
- Brandon Brown, GIS Administrator of City of Dublin, "Little Data: I Can Smell Your Breath"
- Brent Porter, Research Scientist at the Center for Space Research, "Custom Info Windows - jQuery Mobile and AGS Rest Endpoints Living Together"
- Shea Broussard, "Tracking Wildfires with Modern Technologies: Esri GIS, JavaScript API, and HTML5 - Meet"
- Nils Babel, "Helping Your Field Crew with a Little REST Using Python and the REST API to Update Feature Services"
- Francisco Ramos, "Emotions and Technology: We Make it Possible"
- Lyzi Diamond, "How To Start Your Own Maptime" (
- Jonah Adkins, "Dynamic Map Books: I got 99 branches and a Map Book is One"
- John Espinoza, "GeoBrand: Democratizing Map Making"
- Mark Flahan, "Extending Esri Roads and Highways for API for the Enterprise"
- Sean McGinnis, "Scraping....Jersey Style"
Trivia + Prizes
- ArcGIS Developer Subscription
- DevSummit Pass